Put in some details about your campaign and list the reasons to sign up.
Don’t forget the final call to action.
Embarking on a new journey is often exciting…breeding the possibility of accomplishment. However, new experiences can also present fear and anxiety, simply due to the unknown. This is where Beautiful Brown Girls (BBG), enters the picture. Founder Nicholle Brace, developed BBG to bridge the gap between the comforts of high school life at home, and embarking upon the unknown territory of college life away from home.
BBG is hosting its second annual event, June 24th, 2-6pm, at the Taylor & York Salon, in Washington, DC. A select group of high school female grads attending a college/university away from home in the fall of 2018 will be selected to attend the annual event, which will consist of a panel of current college students and recent college grads. The panel will share their experiences and offer any advice in an effort to aid in the transition to college life.
Nicholle and I met during our freshmen year at Norfolk State University. Speaking with her about this absolutely brilliant idea of an organization brought back many fond memories. I am so very proud of my college friend! For more information about BBG’s upcoming seminar send an email to: beautifulboundlessgirls@gmail.com.
Nicholle and I sat down to discuss a few specifics about BBG and their upcoming event. We hope you enjoy!
1. What is BBG?
BBG is designed for high school female graduates attending a college/university away from home in the upcoming fall semester. The purpose of this event is to bridge the gap between the comforts of high school life at home and embarking upon the unknown territory of college life away from home. I create a no-judgment zone for conversation between the HS grads and females who are currently enrolled in college or have recently graduated. This allows the HS grads a chance to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, regarding what college life is really like and what to expect.
2. Who is eligible to attend the seminar?
Young ladies who are graduating this spring 2018, and attending a college/university away from home. Applicants are required to submit a short statement including name, current HS, prospective school, general interest/hobby, a concern you may have about going away, and a reason why this forum will be helpful.
3. What should attendees expect to experience while attending the seminar?
Our theme this year is conversation, canvas & college bound…my version of a sip n paint. We will paint something near and dear to us individually, as well as learning from young ladies who are currently enrolled in college or who have recently graduated.
4. What do you want attendees to gain from the seminar?
At best… a birds-eye view of what to expect as an incoming freshmen…and although the experiences will differ, the camaraderie and conversation will provide insight on how to handle certain situations.
5. Why was it important for you to develop beautiful boundless girls (BBG)?
I developed BBG out a concern for someone near and dear to me who was going off to school in the fall. While she was excited, there was also a bit of apprehension. I thought about how I felt and how having this dialogue from my peers could have benefited me. Although, it’s been a while since I went off to school, I felt there’s no better time than now to provide that foundation.
6. What inspired you to develop Beautiful Boundless Girls?
I developed BBG out of concern for someone near and dear to me who was going off to school in the fall. While she was excited, there was also a bit of apprehension. I thought about how I felt as an incoming freshman and how having this dialogue from my peers could have benefited me.
7. What advice do you offer young ladies attending college soon?
My first words of advice is always the next four years could be the most exhilarating, exciting, life changing years of your life. You will have fun days and you will have some not so fun days. Two things will happen; you will grow up or you will refuse to grow up. It’s all up to you.
8. What advice would you offer someone who is interested in developing events for young women?
Just start…. get the idea down on paper, map it out, and execute. If the idea comes to you it’s your assignment to pursue it. For me, I’m one of God’s favorite, and I believe if he gave it to me and I move on it, he’ll show up way more than I could have ever expected.
9. What was one of your most memorable college experiences?
This one stands out the most and it’s actually the one that’s appropriate enough to repeat lol. When I wrote my very first paper for English class as a freshman, I just knew it was a B to A- paper at best. However, when I received my grade, it looked like a murder seen, there were so many red marks. The F my professor inserted in the middle of the page appeared alarmingly oversized. I was heartbroken and bewildered. Being the know it all that I was, I wanted an explanation. The instructor basically said that’s the grade you earned and good luck on the next one. Of course I vented to my mom, and of course she offered to call him….uhm no! Right there, I thought to myself…”girl you have to grow up, you CANNOT have your mother calling your professors!” Lesson learned… high school vs. college…definitely not the same. It became evident fairly soon, that I was responsible for me.
10. What is your mantra?
You are responsible for YOU…Period! Always take responsibility for your actions. Constantly ask yourself how can you improve or change for the better.
Beautiful Boundless Girls (BBG), A Guide to Transitioning from High School to College!
Nicholle Brace, Founder